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Almost A Third Of British Fans Believe They Were 'Good Enough' To Play International Football

Almost A Third Of British Fans Believe They Were 'Good Enough' To Play International Football

An incredible study found that 31 per cent of football fans believe they could have been “good enough” to play for their country.

Josh Lawless

Josh Lawless

31 per cent of football fans in Britain believe they were good enough to play for their country, a new study has found.

Cheese snack makers Babybel launched the research in a bid to unwrap fans' hidden skills this summer and the results were quite startling.

Fans of England, Scotland and Wales - all of Britain's representatives in the European Championship this summer - are not lacking in confidence when it comes to their footballing abilities.

Almost a third reckon they could have produced on the international stage, with more than one in 20 (6 per cent) believing they are still of the required standard to make it at the highest level.

Image: PA
Image: PA

The study was carried out by Motor Research between 4 and 8 June 2021, with a total of 2,000 football fans surveyed.

Staggeringly, of those who felt they were good enough to play for their country, more than three quarters (77 per cent) believed they were talented enough to turn out for England had they kept playing.

How different could life have been if it wasn't for that cursed knee injury back in the day? And as for management, plenty believe they have the tools to coach the national team, too.

Image: PA
Image: PA

More than a third (38 per cent) stated they would be a good team boss. In this department, 31 per cent of England fans fancied their chances as a tactician, compared to 13 per cent of Scottish fans and 11 per cent for Wales.

However, it does seem as though this is definitely a case of talking the talk but not walking the walk.

That's because the average supporter has only ever achieved 13 keepy-ups, suggesting that maybe they couldn't be an elite-level athlete in the Euros or World Cup after all.

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Football, Euro 2020, England, Scotland, Wales