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Reporter forced to cover fan's boob after she shows football tattoo in viral live TV interview

Reporter forced to cover fan's boob after she shows football tattoo in viral live TV interview

Tancredi Palmeri had to think fast when the fan pulled her boob out of her dress to declare her love for Hearts.

A live TV interview with a football fan has gone viral after a journalist was forced to cover her boob when he showed her tattoo to the camera.

Reporter Tancredi Palmeri was doing a transfer window piece for SportItalia when he was interrupted by a woman from Edinburgh, Scotland.

At first it seemed Tancredi wanted Natasha to show her stiletto to the camera but then he got a lot more than he bargained for.

Natasha's other half explained he was a Hibs fan, before she asked Palmeri if he had heard of 'Hearts of Mitholian', the other big side in the Scottish capital.

You hear the boyfriend beg her not to "show the tattoo" but she went ahead and took her boob out of her dress to reveal the ink.

Tancredi was utterly terrified and screamed, 'NO! NO! NO!" in panic, covering the flesh with his palm.

He then calmed down when Natasha informed he the tattoo was a nod to Hearts' famous 5-1 win over their bitter rivals in the 2012 Scottish Cup final.

But his heart rate went through the roof again when Natasha whipped out the tat for a second time, telling her to "Wait a second" as he again put his hand out.

She then joked, "My boobs are real!" as all three were in hysterics.

Palmeri shared the interview to his 222,000 followers, with the caption: "When a blondie heavy Hearts of Midlothian fan storms into your transfer window live hit and wants to show to whole Italy her pride against Hibernians from the bottom of her heart. I’d say from the bottom of her boobs."

Image: SportItalia
Image: SportItalia

It quickly circulated on social media and Natasha weighed in, hinting that alcohol may have been a factor in her hilarious antics.

She tweeted: "It’s all memories for the bairns x @JamTarts. Was only having a steak dinner and took it too far. One day I’ll be able to go out n no wake up with the absolute fear in the morning."

Featured Image Credit: SportItalia

Topics: Scotland, Italy

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