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Belgium Grand Prix's Future Remains Uncertain

Belgium Grand Prix's Future Remains Uncertain

Spa Francorchamps' future on the F1 calendar is uncertain

There has been speculation for months that Belgium’s Spa-Francorchamps circuit is at risk of being removed from the calendar for next season.

The Belgian GP’s financial situation is far from ideal, and F1’s intention to expand the schedule beyond Europe has weakened Spa’s security.

However, according to German outlet AMuS, Spa could stay on in 2023 due to F1’s failure to reach an agreement with South Africa’s Kyalami circuit.

The track needs to be improved to meet specific FIA standards, therefore it will be some time before South Africa joins the F1 calendar.

But Spa’s long-term future is by no means guaranteed, partly because The Dutch GP in Zandvoort provides F1 and Liberty Media with a very successful event in the same region, which (at least commercially) limits the damage of losing it.

Belgian GP organisers are undoubtedly aware of the need to improve the event’s infrastructure and finances, but at least for now, it seems South Africa’s loss is Spa’s saving grace.  

Since an agreement is yet to be reached between F1 and Kyalami, South Africa can expect to make its return in 2024.

It remains to be seen what Spa’s contractual situation will be at that stage.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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