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Liverpool Fan Claims That Mo Salah ‘Is A Way Better Football Player Than Wayne Rooney Ever Was’

Liverpool Fan Claims That Mo Salah ‘Is A Way Better Football Player Than Wayne Rooney Ever Was’

Would you rather have Salah or Rooney in your team?

A Liverpool fan has made a bold claim that Mohamed Salah is a much better player than Manchester United star Wayne Rooney ever was. 

The Reds fan took to social media to express his opinion by tweeting: “Unpopular Opinion: Salah is a way better football player than Rooney ever was. English tax makes Rooney look better. Rooney lives on that one bicycle goal in the derby.” 

As shown in the tweet, the opinion from the Liverpool fan was not a popular one. As many fans replied with their own views on the matter. 

One fan said: “Salah isn't even a better footballer than Anderson to start with. Better goalscorer yes, better football hell no. Rooney could play every single position on the pitch.” 


A fair few argued Rooney’s case by stating that the former England man was versatile enough to play in multiple positions on the pitch. To which one fan brutally replied with: “Those saying Rooney could play in any position should remember the saying “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Salah is clear.” 

One United fan eluded to the fact that the original tweet mentioned Rooney ‘living off’ that one bicycle goal with a reply including some of Rooney’s most notable achievements. The tweet said: “Rooney lives on that one goal, The goal against Arsenal at 16. Being United and currently England's top scorer. Top 3 assists and goals in the PL. PFA and Young Player of the year and 13 major trophies.” 


It is easy to see why Liverpool fans would be on Salah’s side as he has been such an important player since he moved to Anfield back in 2017.

In his debut season, Salah was scoring goals for fun as he broke records left, right and centre. He set a new record of most goals scored in a 38 game Premier League season with 32, putting himself ahead of the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Alan Shearer and Luis Suarez. 

He also became the fastest player in Liverpool history to notch 40 goals for the club, after managing the feat in just 45 games. 

Salah has not looked back since his debut season and to date, he has scored 157 goals in 255 appearances for the Anfield club. 


Rooney on the other hand also boasts impressive records, in 559 appearances for United he managed 253 goals. And is also England’s all time top goal scorer. 

The former striker was also named the winner of the 2004 Golden Boy award. 

Though the debate will carry on, one thing is for sure that both Salah and Rooney are two of the best players to ever play the game.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Wayne Rooney, Mohamed Salah, Liverpool, Manchester United

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