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The Bizarre FIFA 17 Glitch That Will Help You Score From Corners

The Bizarre FIFA 17 Glitch That Will Help You Score From Corners

It works '99% of the time' according to Kosh.

Jack Kenmare

Jack Kenmare

Every single year, there's at least one 'glitch' on FIFA that sends us gamers into an absolute frenzy.

Remember KSI's legendary kick-off glitch? Well, a YouTuber who goes by the name of Kosh has found a hack that bugs the oppositions goalkeeper from a corner kick.


All you need to do is press LT to call a teammate when taking a corner, then go to the byline and cross it in straight away.

Youtuber Kosh believes that the goalkeeper will not come to collect the ball when the cross is being whipped in. Why - who knows but it works '99% of the time', according to the man himself.

Check out his tutorial here:

Kosh has scored 'so many goals' from the glitch, so give it a go and let him know if it works!

H/T: Kosh

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