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Gerrard has made his opinion about Guardiola very clear as Man City boss issues apology to Liverpool legend

Gerrard has made his opinion about Guardiola very clear as Man City boss issues apology to Liverpool legend

Liverpool legend Steven Gerrard has previously commented on Man City boss Pep Guardiola.

Steven Gerrard has previously made his opinion clear on Pep Guardiola prior to the Manchester City manager apologising to him for comments made in a press conference.

Guardiola faced the media on Friday afternoon ahead of City's Premier League game with Aston Villa. The line of questioning, unsurprisingly, surrounded the issuing of over 100 alleged financial breaches to City from the Premier League.

The Spaniard was forceful in his defence of the club, saying he was 'fully convinced' that the club would be found innocent. City released a club statement after the charges, stating their surprise and welcoming the matter being reviewed by an independent commission.

But one particular comment made by Guardiola caught the attention of Liverpool fans. He referenced Gerrard's slip during the Reds' 2-0 defeat against Chelsea in the 2013/14 Premier League season, which allowed Demba Ba to run through on goal and put the Blues ahead. The result dealt a major blow to Liverpool's chances of winning the title, which was secured by City.

When asked if a guilty verdict would taint City's six Premier League titles, Guardiola responded: "Regardless of the sentence, they belong to us. The moment with Sergio Aguero, with Balotelli slipping. I don't know if we are responsible for Steven Gerrard slipping, you know, in that situation at Anfield."

Guardiola makes apology to Gerrard

Speaking ahead of City's Premier League clash against Arsenal on Thursday, Guardiola opened his press conference with an apology to Gerrard: "I apologise to Steven Gerrard for my unnecessary and stupid comments that I said last time about him.

"He knows how I admire him for what he has done in the country where I live and train. I defended my club but I didn't represent my club well with my stupid comments.

"I am ashamed. I have apologised to him privately but, like the comment was public, my apology must be public as well."

Gerrard's previous comments on Guardiola

Both Gerrard and Guardiola shared mutual respect as players, having faced off in the 2000/01 UEFA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Barcelona.

But they also have mutual respect for each other as coaches, with ex-Aston Villa boss Gerrard making a point of praising his counterpart before the Villans took on City in September.

He said: "That's the reason why I decided to go on a coaching journey, from a personal point of view, to challenge myself against the best in the world.

"The name and the person, Pep, speaks for itself. What he's done in the game as a player and manager is very impressive."

During an interview with The Athletic (via TEAMtalk) in 2021, meanwhile, Gerrard referred to Guardiola as 'exceptional', another glowing compliment for one of football's top managers.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Manchester City, Liverpool, Premier League, Steven Gerrard, Pep Guardiola

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