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Tottenham managing director Fabio Paratici could be banned from ALL football dealings after Italian football ban

Tottenham managing director Fabio Paratici could be banned from ALL football dealings after Italian football ban

Tottenham are looking for further clarification on their managing director's ban as he was handed a 30-month ban from Italian football.

Tottenham Hotspur managing director Fabio Paratici finds himself in hot water after being issued a ban from Italian football.

Paratici was found guilty as part of the Juventus board for his alleged involvement in Juventus’ false accounting and financial irregularities.

Spurs' managing director now faces a 30-month ban from all Italian football activities, though it is unclear whether this ban extends to the Premier League or UEFA competitions.

The suspension does however, include a request for it to be extended to UEFA and FIFA activities and suggests that the FA will be asked to follow suit by the Italian Football Federation.

If the ban carries over to English football activities, Tottenham will be left to fend for themselves in the January window.

According to The Sun, higher ups at the FA are unclear if the sanction is something that automatically applies, or if they must wait for instructions from FIFA.

Tottenham is now seeking clarification on the implications of the ruling according to The Times, as a 2 1/2 year ban for the man that has helped to make so many astute signings will be a massive blow.

Paratici was Juventus' Head of Technical Affairs and Sporting Director from 2010-2021, before leaving at the end of the 2020/21 season and joining the North London outfit.

A few months ago, Juventus was accused of purposely inflating transfer fees in deals with fellow Italian clubs over three seasons in order to create millions in 'capital gains' for tax purposes.

Paratici on the bench for Spurs. (Image

The claim was that Juventus exploited the systen to free up more space in their budget to spend more in the transfer market.

As the Turin side were found guilty of doing these illegal dealings, they have had 15 points deducted this season, bringing them from 3rd and one point from 2nd, all the way down to 10th. It takes them away from the European spots and miles away from any potential title race.

Juventus had just been putting a good run of form together following a slow start to the season under Massimiliano Allegri, even briefly going into 2nd place.

Allegri's side are now 10th in Serie A. (Image

Paratici is not the only former Juventus board member to be sanctioned, as ex-Juventus chairman Andrea Agnelli was been banned from holding office in Italian football for 2 years, ex-vice president and Ballon d'Or winner Pavel Nedved was given an eight month ban and ex-chief executive Maurizio Arrivabene was handed a ban as well.

Despite these bans and the evidence found against them, the Old Lady stated on Friday that they are awaiting written reasons behind these bans, but deny any wrong doing and that they will launch an appeal if these bans stand.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Juventus, Tottenham Hotspur