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Premier League rival demand Man City are relegated if found guilty of breaking financial rules

Premier League rival demand Man City are relegated if found guilty of breaking financial rules

Manchester City have been charged with breaking financial rules by the Premier League.

Manchester City should be relegated if they are found guilty of breaching FFP rules, according to one Premier League rival, who say the league "need to do the right thing".

The Blues say they were "surprised" after being charged with more than 100 alleged rule breaches following a four-year investigation by the Premier League.

City say they are also supported by a "body of irrefutable evidence" after being accused of failing to provide accurate financial information relating to sponsorship revenue, operating costs and payment of wages, among other financial wrongdoings.

But a Premier League club chief thinks Pep Guardiola's side should be relegated if they are found guilty.

Speaking to The Sun, the club chief said: "If these charges are proven there must be proper punishment - and the only fitting one is for them to be relegated.

“We’re talking about a decade of alleged abuses and want the Premier League to do the right thing.”

If the defending Premier League champions are found guilty of such wrongdoings, then a range of sanctions could be applied to the club, including losing multiple league titles and a points deduction.

Other possible sanctions range from suspension from competing in league matches to potential expulsion from England's top flight.

So how did Manchester City respond after the Premier League charged them with more than 100 breaches of its financial rules?

In a statement, the club said: "Manchester City is surprised by the issuing of these alleged breaches of the Premier League Rules, particularly given the extensive engagement and vast amount of detailed materials that the EPL has been provided with.

"The club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position.

"As such we look forward to this matter being put to rest once and for all."


The Premier League, meanwhile, said they will be making no further comment in respect of this matter until further notice.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Manchester City, Premier League, England

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