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'Not Going To Happen' - Club Chief Won't Sell Premier League Star To Liverpool

'Not Going To Happen' - Club Chief Won't Sell Premier League Star To Liverpool

Arsenal director says club won't sell Bukayo Saka amid Liverpool interest.

Arsenal’s technical director has dismissed reports that the Gunners will sell England international Bukayo Saka, amid reported interest from Premier League rivals Liverpool.

His comments come following speculation that the youngster could be offered a new deal, which would take his wages from £70k to £140,000-a-week.

The Reds have been recently linked with the 20-year-old and there have been suggestions he could be a long term replacement for Mohamed Salah.

Speaking to Football.London, Edu had this to say about Saka’s future whilst discussing Arsenal’s transfer strategy in the transfer market:

“Part of the plan is when you are starting to sell the players, that’s the challenging one."

"You already need someone prepared. (If we can) sell, (and) we are able to do that and then chapeau. It’s very challenging.”

“For example, let’s talk about next season or another. If we sell, I don’t know, Bukayo Saka – that’s not going to happen but it’s just an example.”

“If we’re going to sell Bukayo Saka, we as a club have to prepare his replacement straight away.”

“So someone has to be in the squad or we have to manage the market well so if we sell we have him, we have someone straight away to replace him in our model.”

Having missed out on Raphinha earlier in the summer and with no other replacement lined up, Saka looks set at The Emirates.

He's is an integral part of Arsenal’s squad and has scored 17 goals in 98 appearances for the Gunners.

Mikel Arteta will be desperate to keep the versatile forward beyond his current deal, which expires in 2024.

If Saka is to leave the Emirates in the future it can be guaranteed that the Gunners would look to sell him for nothing less than a premium price, such is his importance to their team.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Liverpool, Liverpool Transfer News & Rumours, Arsenal