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Rio Ferdinand picks 'wasted potential XI' including ex-Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham players

Rio Ferdinand picks 'wasted potential XI' including ex-Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham players

Rio Ferdinand and Joe Cole named stars who played in the Premier League.

Rio Ferdinand and Joe Cole picked their 'wasted potential XI' as they included former stars from Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham.

On TNT Sports, Ferdinand and Cole collectively named their unfulfilled XI of players, who failed to live up to their potential.

The Manchester United legend immediately opted for Adriano, who showed a glimpse of his undeniable talent during his spell at Inter Milan.

"There's one name that just came to me when we were talking, Moussa Dembele was one, every single player who played with him said he was an unbelievable talent. The one that jumps out to me is Adriano, he was like heralded as the next coming of R9, left-footed, absolute machine, had everything." he said.

Adriano never really got going after showing early signs of promise as his career fizzled out.

Ferdinand added: "There's different elements that take away from players or mean they don't fulfil potential, for him a family bereavement, I think his father passed away and I heard Zanetti his captain talk about that moment and say it took a lot out of him.

"Injuries really took away the power and the poise for him to go on and fulfil that potential.

"There was no doubt this guy if things had worked out for him, he would have gone on to be a world class."

Rio Ferdinand and Jack Wilshere during a Premier League clash. Image: Getty
Rio Ferdinand and Jack Wilshere during a Premier League clash. Image: Getty

Between Ferdinand and Cole, they also named Micah Richards, who burst onto the scene at Manchester City.

Tottenham legend Ledley King was also picked. He played his entire career at the North London club, but injuries derailed him from enjoying an illustrious career.

Ferdinand and Cole named former Arsenal star Jack Wilshere, who shone for the Gunners after graduating from the club's youth academy.

He had a career decline following a plague of injuries.

Former Liverpool goalkeeper Chris Kirkland was selected between the sticks.

Jorge Andrade, Royston Drenthe, Abou Diaby, Adel Taarabt, Andres D'Alessandro and Mario Balotelli complete Ferdinand and Cole's wasted potential XI.

Featured Image Credit: TNT Sports/Build Line Up/Getty

Topics: Rio Ferdinand, Football, Adriano

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