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Jurgen Klopp's No 1 pick to replace him at Liverpool said 'no' to the role as phone call revealed

Jurgen Klopp's No 1 pick to replace him at Liverpool said 'no' to the role as phone call revealed

Klopp has stepped down as Liverpool manager after almost nine years in charge.

Jurgen Klopp's preferred choice to replace him as Liverpool manager has revealed he discussed it several times with the German but was never seriously interested in the role.

Klopp finally stepped down as Liverpool manager last weekend after almost nine years in charge of the Reds.

There were emotional scenes at Anfield on Saturday as Klopp bid farewell to the club following their 2-0 win over Wolves on the final day of the Premier League season.

During his post-match speech, Klopp announced that Feyenoord boss Arne Slot was set to succeed him as manager.

Liverpool officially confirmed that news the following day, announcing that Slot had signed a three-year deal at Anfield – with his first day in the job on June 1.

It has now emerged that Klopp initially believed his assistant manager Pep Lijnders could replace him.

Many thought Lijnders stood a strong chance of succeeding Klopp but he has instead decided to part ways with the Merseyside club to become the new head coach of Red Bull Salzburg in Austria.

In an interview with The Athletic, Lijnders was asked if he had ever put himself forward for the Liverpool job.

"Jurgen asked me about it a few times in recent years," replied Lijnders.

"The season before I got the question from Jurgen and two times this season, but each time I said 'no'.

"The first reason was I really felt that this was a project of 'us'. Jurgen led it and I really felt we should end this project together. Secondly, I've been at Liverpool for nearly 10 years.

"I was ready for a new experience: new people, my own staff, my own players. I gave everything I had to this playing group.

Pep Lijnders was considered for the Liverpool manager's job (Image: Getty)
Pep Lijnders was considered for the Liverpool manager's job (Image: Getty)

" think the team would continue with the same ways if I stayed here. I feel that the team as well needs something new.

"But I never knew 100 per cent what my response would be if [FSG president] Mike Gordon called me. You say 'no, no, no' but then…"

Gordon did indeed contact Lijnders in February after Klopp publicly announced he was leaving Liverpool, but only to confirm that he would not be offered the manager's job - a decision the new Salzburg boss believes was the right one.

"Mike said, 'Pep, we really considered you, but I think it's fair for you that we don't put you after Jurgen'," added Lijnders.

"Mike is a good guy. He knew as well. I'd made my ambition clear. It was best for the future."

Featured Image Credit: Getty

Topics: Liverpool, Jurgen Klopp, Anfield, Premier League, Feyenoord, Arne Slot