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Arjen Robben completes Rotterdam Marathon in truly incredible time, he's still got it

Arjen Robben completes Rotterdam Marathon in truly incredible time, he's still got it

The 39-year-old former Bayern Munich and Chelsea winger took part in the Rotterdam Marathon at the weekend.

Arjen Robben says completing the Rotterdam Marathon comes "very close to winning a football title" after he recorded a quite staggering time at the event in Coolsingel.

The 39-year-old former Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and Chelsea winger, who retired from football for the second time in July, having come back to play for boyhood club Groningen, is a keen runner.

In fact, Robben took part in his first ever marathon in Rotterdam last year, and completed the gruelling 26.2 mile course in three hours, 13 minutes and 40 seconds – a very respectable time indeed.

He ran that race alongside Erben Wennemars, a former Dutch speed skater that set three world records during his career.

And on Sunday afternoon, the former Netherlands international, who was nicknamed 'the man of glass' because of his injury record in football, once again participated in the Rotterdam event with Wennemars.

This time, Robben crossed the finish line in two hours and 58 minutes, which equates to 4.23 minutes per kilometre. Not bad for a retired footballer, huh.

"I'm really broken, but I made it," Robben told NOS after the race. “This comes very close to winning a great football title. Awesome, I can check this one off.”

You can watch the 39-year-old cross the finish line below.

After the last marathon in Rotterdam, footage of Robben looking 'completely broken' emerged as he felt the full effects of such a mammoth sporting task.

He admitted afterwards that it was a "real fight".

The former PSV forward told local channel Rijnmond: "Not fun, it really wasn't fun. I made it, but that's about it. I often went deep and had to fight often enough, but this was also a real fight.

"That audience on the side helps you so much. Thanks to everyone for that, that got me through. In the beginning I was a bit preoccupied with a time, but at a certain point you throw that overboard.

"Then it's surviving and entering my first marathon. Then you notice what something like that does to your body, but I made it."

Thoughts on Robben's time at the weekend?

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Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@RijnmondSport

Topics: Chelsea, Bayern Munich, Premier League, Netherlands