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The bizarre reason why Conor Benn has been cleared by WBC over failed drug test

The bizarre reason why Conor Benn has been cleared by WBC over failed drug test

Conor Benn failed a drug test prior to his fight with Chris Eubank Jr

The bizarre reason behind Conor Benn’s failed drug test has been revealed after the World Boxing Council found no conclusive evidence in their investigation.

During the build of his fight with Chris Eubank Jr back in October, Benn failed a voluntary test carried out by the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association.

Benn tested positive for an ‘adverse analytical finding’ of the fertility drug clomiphene but has always denied any wrongdoing.

In December, the 26-year-old and his team handed a 270-page long report to the WBC in a bid to clear his name.

Benn also suggested that the substance may have entered his system from the amount of eggs he was consuming during his training camp in preparation for the Eubank Jr fight.

He told The Times last year he was eating around ’30 to 34’ a week.

On Wednesday, the WBC officially announced that there was no evidence that Benn took clomiphene intentionally, therefore, he is now back in the welterweight rankings.

A statement from the WBC read: “The WBC found that: (1) there was no conclusive evidence that Mr. Benn engaged in intentional or knowing ingestion of Clomiphene; (2) there were no failures in the procedures related to sample collection, sample analysis, or violations of Mr. Benn’s B Sample rights that would justify questioning or invalidating the Adverse Finding; and (3) Mr. Benn’s documented and highly-elevated consumption of eggs during the times relevant to the sample collection, raised a reasonable explanation for the Adverse Finding.


“The WBC Nutrition Committee will work with Mr. Benn’s team to design a nutrition program geared to avoid the risk of a future adverse finding caused by nutritional factors.

“Mr. Benn shall be subjected to regular anti-doping testing to monitor the effect of the WBC-ordered nutritional program.

“The WBC shall include Mr. Benn in its ratings during the period immediately following the issuance of its ruling. Mr. Benn’s position in the WBC Ratings shall be based solely on his merit and the customary factors the WBC Ratings Committee apply to rating boxers.”

Benn now faces investigation from the British Boxing Board of Control and UKAD and will not be able to fight in the UK during the process.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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