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Zlatan Ibrahimovic's Acrobatic Effort Gets Phenomenal Meme Treatment

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's Acrobatic Effort Gets Phenomenal Meme Treatment

From attacking Louis van Gaal to kicking Ken from Street Fighter. These are brilliant.

Nasir Jabbar

Nasir Jabbar

Seriously, who doesn't love a selection of Photoshop's and meme's?!

And today's artwork appears following the return of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The towering Swede returned from his serious knee injury against Newcastle United in the Premier League over the weekend.

Ibrahimovic made a cameo appearance, with Jose Mourinho drafting him on for a late run-out.

While United had already bagged the three-points when he came on, they came close to scoring a fifth courtesy of brilliance from Ibrahimovic. He attempted an acrobatic effort but was denied by Rob Elliot in goal.

Though his actions didn't go to waste. The marvelous internet has created a bunch of meme's in honour of the returning striker.

From slide tackling Steven Gerrard to being Photoshop'ed in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. These are brilliant - check them out:

If you happened to create any of these, then, take a bow.

What's your favourite? Let us know.

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Topics: Manchester United, Zlatan Ibrahimovic