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Manchester City star Kevin De Bruyne was in no mood to speak as he walked out of an interview after Belgium’s shock defeat by Slovakia.

Heading into the tournament, Belgium were talked about as one of the teams that could go deep into the competition.

However, Domenico Tedesco’s side produced a disappointing performance as Ivan Schranz’s seventh-minute goal sealed a 1-0 victory for Slovakia.

After the match, Belgium captain De Bruyne walked out of an interview after being asked to answer a question in English. You can watch the footage at the top of this article.

Kevin De Bruyne was in no mood to talk after Belgium's defeat to Slovakia.
Kevin De Bruyne was in no mood to talk after Belgium's defeat to Slovakia.

The reporter was heard saying: “Kevin, one today in English please?”

In response, the City midfielder simply walked off in silence.

Before walking off, De Bruyne said: “It’s a shame. We played well for the first 20 minutes and then we made a mistake that was punished. Then it took us a while to get back into the game.

“In the second half we improved. We would have deserved to win, we arrived, there were two goals disallowed, but we couldn’t score and that’s football.”

During the match, Belgium had two goals ruled out by VAR, with the second using new technology to penalise Lois Openda for handling the ball before he crossed for Romelu Lukaku to smash home.

However, Belgium boss Tedesco refused to put any blame on the VAR during his post-match interview.


He said: “It’s tough for me to speak now.

“If we would have won, I could probably share my opinion a little more. But we lost and I want to be a good or at least a fair loser; we shouldn’t be talking about VAR. We trust these guys, we trust the VAR and the referees and if they blow and say it’s handball we have to trust and accept it and that’s that.”

On Lukaku, Tedesco added: “He [Lukaku] has been playing for Belgium for a long time and knows very well how to score goals.

“He’s a top-class player, a great character and he doesn’t need any help on that score. Everyone is disappointed but I think you can harness that and make use of this defeat. We weren’t able to win the game, but there are positives we can take away.”

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Featured Image Credit: HaytersTV

Topics: Kevin De Bruyne, Belgium, Euro 2024, Football