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Big-money Arsenal signing who Arsene Wenger 'never wanted' is still without a club aged 31

Big-money Arsenal signing who Arsene Wenger 'never wanted' is still without a club aged 31

The Arsene Wenger signing is without a club.

An ex-Arsenal star who was a big-money transfer under Arsene Wenger is still without a club, aged 31.

Wenger bought shrewdly during his legendary spell as Arsenal manager, snapping up players who went onto enjoy glittering careers at the club.

He oversaw a French overhaul, bringing in the likes of Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira and Robert Pires, among others.

Henry scored an incredible 226 goals for the Gunners while Vieira captained the club to domestic success as he guided his old side to three Premier League titles.

But not all of Wenger's signings delivered at Arsenal, including Shkodran Mustafi who moved to North London in a transfer worth in excess of £35 million in the summer of 2016.

He joined from Valencia, having won the World Cup with Germany in 2014.

The transfer, however, was driven by former chief executive Ivan Gazidis, who played a more significant role than usual in the signing of Mustafi in the first place.

That's despite Wenger and his scouting team having doubts about Mustafi before he arrived from Valencia.

He lasted four seasons at Arsenal before departing the club, making 151 appearances during his spell - but helped Arsenal win two FA Cups.

Shkodran Mustafi in action for Arsenal. Image: Getty
Shkodran Mustafi in action for Arsenal. Image: Getty

The German defender moved to Schalke before returning to Spain's La Liga as he penned a deal at Levante.

He signed a two-year deal at the Spanish club, but barely featured as he was severely blighted with injuries that effected his minutes on the pitch, managing just 15 games during his time at the club.

He's now currently without a team after his contract at Levante expired.

If Mustafi fails to secure a move this month, then he can transfer after January as he's a free agent.

Featured Image Credit: Getty

Topics: Arsenal, Football, Arsene Wenger