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48-year-old Mark Hunt ends combat sports career with outrageous KO of Sonny Bill Williams

48-year-old Mark Hunt ends combat sports career with outrageous KO of Sonny Bill Williams

48-year-old UFC veteran Mark Hunt ended his career on a high last night, knocking out his opponent.

UFC Veteran Mark Hunt showed that he still has the power and the stamina at the age of 48, knocking out Sonny Bill Williams in their bout last night.

Known as the 'King of walk-offs', the New Zealander dealt the knock-out blow in the fourth round, leaving Williams dazed and having to kneel while the referee waved him off.

Sonny Bill Williams is a former rugby league and rugby union player, representing the New Zealand Kiwis from 2004-2013, and the New Zealand All-Blacks from 2010-2019. He started competing as a professional boxer in 2009, saying the preparation for the fight was good off-season training for his rugby career.

Prior to this fight, Williams' record stood at 9-0, with 4 wins by KO. It makes sense then, that the 37-year-old was the favourite going into the bout.

Hunt shocked the world by flooring Williams in the fourth round, who had survived the ten count, but could not handle the onslaught from Hunt, who smelt blood and went for the kill.

As soon as the fight was waved off, Hunt went over to a kneeling Williams to exchange some words of respect.

After the fight, Hunt expressed how he felt: "I’m smiling not because of the win, but I’m smiling because this is the last time I walked into a ring of combat of any sorts. My first thought after was ‘s*** I want to do that again!’, but no [I won’t be back in the ring again].”

The Mirror

A dejected Sonny Bill Williams was also interviewed, saying on Stan Sport: "I would like to say it was an honour to share the ring with Mark Hunt tonight, the Super Samoan,

"I tried my best but it wasn't good enough.

"Not too much positives to take from that, but to share the ring with a legend like Mark, it was special.

"Also to see a lot of Polynesian brothers get a chance on the card was special. Whatever happens happens."

The result means that Hunt ends his career with a 1-2-1 record in boxing, a 13-14-1 with 1 no-contest in MMA and a 30-13 record in kickboxing.

Featured Image Credit: Combat Sports UK

Topics: Boxing, New Zealand, MMA