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Eddie Hall Shows Off His Incredible Punch Power Ahead Of Hafthor Bjornsson Grudge Match

Eddie Hall Shows Off His Incredible Punch Power Ahead Of Hafthor Bjornsson Grudge Match

The pair will settle their feud in the boxing ring on March 19.

Eddie Hall has showed off his explosive punch power as he prepares to face Hafthor Bjornsson in their long-awaited grudge match.

The two former World’s Strongest Man champions will finally settle their feud in Dubai on March 19, in a fight dubbed 'The Heaviest Boxing Match In History'.

Hall was originally due to fight Bjornsson, who played The Mountain in HBO’s Game Of Thrones, back in September but the bout was postponed after the British strongman suffered a detached bicep in training.

Hall is now back to full fitness and looks in incredible condition with the fight now just weeks away.

He took to Instagram on Sunday to share a video of himself working the pads, alongside the caption: “156kg / 343lbs and Counting!!!

“Purposely kept heavy throughout my camp for Power and I fully intend on delivering it. And don’t worry I can work for 10 rounds!

“I’m calling this journey…. ‘The Desolation of Thor’. Almost time for that big crybaby to pay!”

Many fans were impressed with Hall’s punch power and speed for such a big man.

One fan commented: “Ouch! I bet the man wearing the pads hands were stinging after that. I could hear the power in your punches. Nice work.”

Another added: “This Is an example of a tank moving like a F1 car.”

However, others fans have questioned Hall’s boxing technique, with one supporter commenting: “I am a big fan, but I hope you are not surrounding yourself with “yes men” who are filling your head with over confidence.

“I hope they are being honest and straight with you.”

Hall replied: "The people I'm fighting behind the scenes aren't yes men, they come on here and talk for themselves.

"I'll say no more than I've surprised everyone that's come in the ring with me so far. Four weeks and counting people."

Hall and Bjornsson’s rivalry stems from their days competing against each other in strongman contests around the world.

After Hall won the World’s Strongest Man title in 2017, Bjornsson claimed the Brit had ‘cheated’ during the Viking press event – sparking animosity between the pair.

Bjornsson would win the competition the following year after Hall announced his retirement.

The Icelander would later beat Hall’s deadlift world-record of 500kg after managing a 501kg lift at his home gym.

Hall would question the legitimacy of the new record, commenting: "He went and did some b******* home gym hero lift trying to beat my world record deadlift.

"If he beat me then the fact it was only 1kg heavier is irrelevant, but I just can’t get my head around how he can think his attempt can be legitimate.

"Who checked the plates? His dad weighed the plates! Everything about it just stinks to me.

"Put it this way, if I pulled 500 kilos four years ago in my home gym and my own dad weighed the plates, every single person would smell bull****.

"The only reason Thor took the World’s Strongest Man title is because I retired - so he’s welcome. He’s welcome that I retired.

"He’s lucky I retired, or else he never would have won the World’s Strongest Man."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram: Eddie Hall

Topics: Eddie Hall, Hafthor Bjornsson, Boxing, Heavyweight Boxing, Worlds Strongest Man