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NFL Star Sparks Outrage Online For Killing A 2000-Pound Buffalo

NFL Star Sparks Outrage Online For Killing A 2000-Pound Buffalo

The Super Bowl champion was met with a barrage of criticism after he posted pictures of the moment on Instagram.

Max Sherry

Max Sherry

An NFL star has copped a barrage of criticism from people online for killing a 2000-pound buffalo with an arrow.

Baltimore Ravens defensive end Derek Wolfe uploaded the pictures onto his Instagram account, saying it was his "childhood dream" to take down the wild beast.

In one of the pictures, Wolfe can be seen crouching next to the huge buffalo after killing it.

And in the other image, he poses with the pierced animal's heart in his hand.

"Took two arrows to bring this 2000lb beast down," Wolfe said in the caption.

"1st at 34 yards and the second a perfect heart shot at 67 yards. A childhood dream came true for me.

"2nd slide shows how effective these broadheads were."

The 2016 Super Bowl champion clearly thought his post wasn't going to spark a negative reaction when posting it on social media - but boy, he was wrong.

It didn't take long for fuming fans to flock to the comments section of Wolfe's post to slam him, many calling it a "senseless killing".

One person commented: "What a s**t sport. Killing a BUFFALO! Just for FUN!"

And one bloke declared: "So masculine, so tough."

While another said: What kind of a childhood does someone have where that's his lifelong dream?"

As one concluded: "Ah yes. Let's kill a 'near-threatened' animal for sport and brag about it."

One tweeted: "He better eat or give away all that meat or else this was a wasteful kill."


Wolfe got bombarded with so much criticism that he was forced turn off comments on the Instagram post.

In the 48 hours that it has been up, the images have received over 10,000 likes.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@derekwolfe_95/Alamy

Topics: American Football, NFL, Australia,