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MMA legend goes nuclear on UFC and 'steroid using rat' Jon Jones

MMA legend goes nuclear on UFC and 'steroid using rat' Jon Jones

The MMA icon also took aim at the UFC for promoting Jones, insisting the company will 'never be credible' in his eyes.

Mark Hunt has absolutely unloaded on Jon Jones ahead of his return to the octagon, calling him a 'steroid using rat'.

The MMA icon also took aim at the UFC for promoting him, insisting they will 'never be credible' in his eyes.

Hunt's deep-seated issues with the UFC stems back a long, long way.

Back in 2017, he filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming the UFC knew about Brock Lesnar’s use of a banned substances prior to Hunt's fight with him at UFC 200.

Since then, the New Zealand-born adopted Aussie has taken any chance he can to hit out at the UFC.

But these latest comments, right here, might be his most damning to date – and it revolves around arguably the UFC's biggest star who, as we all know, has a history of dabbling in PEDs.

In a post on Facebook, Hunt wrote: "Sick of this rat company up on my feed all they do is promote steroid using rats like this loser listen up it’s the world heavyweight title of a worthless rubbish belt worth nothing u got a steroid using rodent who runs over pregnant women and hides under the octagon when USADA is trying to drug test this rodent ufc = joke belt the only thing u are the world champion of is being exploited that’s why @ufc will never be credible because they have rodents like this being considered GOAT."

People flocked to the comments section to have their say – some throwing their support behind the former heavyweight title contender.

One person replied: "Steroids ruin the sport for sure."

While another added: "Respect to you Hunt, you are a legend of the sport and I remember watching you in the K1 and Pride days."

As a third said: "Never been a fan of Jones but I’m big fan of you Mark “Super Samoan” Hunt."

Meanwhile, others weren't entirely onboard with Hunt's claims, reminding the 48-year-old of his other past employers.

The comment with the highest amount of likes read: "Salty AF... K1 & Pride had juice users when you were competing but never heard you call out those promoters in the past, Mark... Juice or no juice, Jon is a better fighter than you."

Someone else added: "I get what your saying mark but never forget you fought how many times for pride the biggest steroid and fight fixing show of all time."

Hunt hasn't fought in a mixed martial arts bout since 2018.

He recently made the transition into boxing, losing to ex-NRL star Paul Gallen before going on to defeat former world champion Sonny Bill Williams.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/markhuntfighter/Alamy

Topics: Australia, MMA, UFC, Dana White, Jon Jones