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Anthony McGill Opens His Home To Amateur Snooker Player Fleeing Ukraine

Anthony McGill Opens His Home To Amateur Snooker Player Fleeing Ukraine

What an absolute legend.

Max Sherry

Max Sherry

Anthony McGill has offered temporary accomodation at his Glasgow home to an amateur snooker player who is attempting to flee Ukraine.

Tetyana Volovelska, who is from the war-torn city of Kharkiv, has been trying to seek refuge ever since the Russian invasion of her home country back in February.

But despite her efforts, Volovelska - along with many others - have struggled to escape the devastating conflict which has now claimed almost 50,000 lives.

Incredibly, world No.13 snooker star McGill caught wind of Volovelska's efforts and issued a helping hand, offering to open up his home for her to live in.

"Tanya is a friend of mine and a snooker fan. What is going on in Ukraine is a nightmare, and terrible," he said.

"These people that are leaving have nowhere to go, and I said if you need somewhere to stay please use the spare bedroom - I am out practising or away at events most of the time anyway.

Anthony McGill.

"It might be for six months or so, who knows. It is good to help people if you can, not everyone can do it but I have the facilities to help and it takes care of one problem for one person.

"I remember a little story about a man walking along a beach with lots of starfish washed up, they are all going to die, and he is throwing them back into the ocean one by one.

"Another man comes along and asks 'What are you doing, you can't make a difference, there are millions of them?' And the first guy replies 'Well, I made a difference to that one'.

"You do your bit, I don't want anything for it. I'd like to think if there was a war in Scotland and Glasgow and I was desperate to go somewhere, I'd appreciate the help.

"I signed up for the 'Homes for Ukraine' thing but I'm not even sure if I had to, or how it works. But she did her bit. She is from Kharkiv which is right on the eastern side getting bombed.

"Her dad is 76 and drove the full length of Ukraine to escape. It is terrible, and there are a lot of people helping out strangers. But the process to help is a joke, no one answers phones.

"It doesn't seem as if the people in charge in Britain, the authorities, really care even if the people do."

What an absolute legend.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@confused_ramsy/Alamy

Topics:ย Ukraine, snooker, Australia, Russia